Each day you will be given a reading assignment. When you read, note a specific line or lines that stand out to you or impress you in some way. You will be asked to share these in your comment back to me and the class. Occasionally, I will ask you to comment to other students' postings. Below you will find an example of one type of response.Teacher prompt to the reading:Careful readers of the novel point out that there is a symbolic element that develops the idea of the two main characters, Frankenstein and his monster as doubles for each other, or two parts of a divided self.
Typical Student comment back:As I read the letters which are the introduction to the creature and Frankenstein there were several lines that stood out to me. When Walton first saw Frankenstein he referred to him as "not a savage inhabitant" (23) and "a more interesting creature" (24). The word choice leads me to believe that Shelley set up the idea of the divided self even at this early point in the novel. By doing this she also introduced the theme of acceptance. Here Walton finds a stranger who has manners "so conciliating and gentle..." that Walton "begin[s] to love him as a brother" and who is filled "with sympathy and compassion" because of Frankenstein's grief (25). From what I know of the novel, Frankenstein rejects his monster, his creation. Perhaps had Frankenstein been like Walton he would have found acceptance for the monster and himself for creating it.
More assignment information:Sometimes I will give you a prompt. Other times there will be no prompt; you will lead the discussion with a line that stood out to you.
Today 3/19/07 - comment to the prompt given above from your reading so far. Read Chapters 1 page 31 through Chapter 6 page 68 for tomorrow. Be prepared to discuss your reading and a line or two that stood out to you and why.